Guest post by Dr Justin Connolly from Dublin City University Regardless of its benefits, an innovative technology platform such as MIDAS will only be effective if adopted. It is understandable […]
Work in the Sun
Guest post by Paul Carlin of South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Dissemination is a key output from any project, be that research, service evaluation, service improvement or service […]
Synthetic Data: Privacy vs Utility
Guest post by Dr Debbie Rankin and Dr Michaela Black from Ulster University Synthetic data, also known as artificial data, is data that is simulated from real data using statistical […]
How linking data bridges the great divide between health data sources
Guest post by Tameka Sama, Gevork Harootunian, George Runger of the Center for Health Information & Research, Arizona State University Probabilistic, fuzzy and deterministic are generally not words used to define […]
MIDAS EC Review Success
We’re pleased to announce that the hard work of the MIDAS project consortium partners has been validated and that MIDAS has successfully passed its first formal review by the European […]
Improving surveys with chatbots
Guest post by Simon McLoughlin, Lead Mobile Engineer, Innovation Exchange, IBM Ireland Ltd. As discussed in our previous blog post Can we simply listen to social media to capture the […]
Regional Datacentres and MIDAS in Northern Ireland
Guest post by Susan Campbell from Business Services Organisation The MIDAS platform for Northern Ireland Health and Social Care (HSC) policymakers will be hosted by the Business Services Organisation (BSO). […]
Another Day, Another Conundrum
Guest post by Paul Carlin, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Another day, another conundrum for those who deal with data in all its myriad shapes and forms. With […]
The Anonymisation process in MIDAS project
Guest post by Roberto Bilbao from BIOEF Processing and exploitation of large databases can offer multiple benefits to society as long as the respect for the rights of individuals, their […]
The Evaluation of Healthcare Interventions and Public Health Decision Making: A Role for the MIDAS Platform
Guest blog post by Natasha L. Bloodworth & Dale Weston from Public Health England Public health interventions tend to be complex, context-dependent, and potentially costly (Rychetnik, Frommer, Hawe, & Shiell, 2002), […]